==<<RenfU, yinGqI roCks thE mY wOrld!==
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<((( dIary Inf0 )))

Saturday, September 16, 2006

*::mY haPpi 18..::*
mY birtHdaE juZ paSs bY 28 seCs..ha..erM..havE beEn enJoyiNg mySelf frM thu..mY swT sWt daR daR gavE mE l0tS oF surpRisEs..mY famiLy alS0 celEbratE f0r mE..freNs gavE theIr beSt wiShes..excePt f0r onE..?lol..iS n0t tAt veRy wAd kEEp wAn ppL wiSh..iS tiNking cloSe frEn mA..aT leaSt saE s0mEthinG..senD a mSg or waD..saE wAd reM bUt deLiberAteLy dUn wiSh..verY fUn..??firSt timE maYb..buT aS tiME g0eS bY iS irrAting lo..wAdevEr it iS..thAt d0eSnt affEct mE muCh..c0Z perHaps i treAt thE perS0n aS cl0Se frEn buT thE pers0n mIght n0t tiNk likEwiSe..mY swT sWt daR daR broUght mE t0 sent0sA..iS s0 fUn..thE weAtheR waS juZ nicE..eveRyting juZ seEms s0 righT..reaCh thEre bY buS..dEn g0 plaY thE lAsteSt gamEs..s0 thriILLing..deN went t0 thE anImal enCountEr..lol iT wAs s0 scarIng wHEn thE perS0n t00K thE 'aniMAl/ repTilEs' cloSeuP t0 u..hA..deN wE wEnt t0 thE skYtowEr..thE sceNarY waS amAzinG..s0 beauTiful..iS thE nigHt sceNAry soMEm0rE..dEn weNt f0r diNnEr at thE beAch..s0 r0manTic..plaY thE sparKles..whEre n0 onE s0 darK..iS s0 nicE..bUt i l0St thE mAp b4 hM..c0Z actuAlli waNted t0 kEEp aS meM0 de..buT..saDZ..buT stiLl ovErall iS fuN..deN actUal daE weNt oUt wiTh daR iN n00n..n heAd hM f0r celEbratIon arD evEninG...tat's aLL..the fUn mUZ ownSelf expErienCe deN n0E de..mY swT sWt daR dAr experIencE evErytHing wiTh mE..thAnks foR everYonE for thE plAn..muACk..l0vE mUCh..
mIsSeS zaX evEry m0mEnt

((( reNfu w|fe??... )))
<Name : br|na
<Nick : YiNg q| r0xs
<Age : |s a geR sercEt s0 cAnt tell =p
<D.O.B : 15|09|??
<Sign : V|rg0
<Zodiac: maKe a guEss?
<Email : ask mE pErs0NaLLy wiLL bE m0Re sIncErE 0f u = )

*~ ~ a| w0 ha| sh| ta? ~
5566 but zax t0 bE pRefeRed
haNg oUt w|th maH g00d frEn
staY h0Me w|th paRents enJ0yIng tHe m0mEnt w|th eaCh otHer

*~ <~zUi |iNg w0 ta0 yaN ~
big bully small
people who nv get things right and start yelling at others (irrating)
like to bullshit and boast around all the time
in the wrOng but no apology

*~ *w|sh|ists* (maY theM c0mE trUe)
cHangE my drEss|ng stYlE
geTtIng pRettiEr? (impossibe ba)
t0 havE peoplE | likE alwaYs bY mAh siDe

*~ September 2005
October 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006
August 2006
September 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007