==<<RenfU, yinGqI roCks thE mY wOrld!==
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<((( dIary Inf0 )))

Monday, January 02, 2006

*::haPpy neW yR..bUt cHrIstMas m0rE haPpy??::*
yEa..spEnd mY neW yR witH daR..ppL sAe iF u crY duRing neW yR meaNs wholE yR crY..deN i spEnd mY neW yR wiTh daR meaNs wholE yR caN be wIth hiM..[clAps] s0 haPpi..hA..tiS nEw yR wE g0 eat steAmb0At lE den g0 coUntdwN..g0 eSpLanDe dEre c fiRew0rks buT waS bl0cK mY thE treEs..shLd suGgEst thAt sG sHLD alL0W thE trEe t0 gr0W at cerTaiN tiMe onLi..lol..as iN whEn thE suN iS big trEes caN be treAteD aS sHade whiCh iS g00D..bUt whEn puTtinG ouT firEwoRk g0t trEes n bl0cK ppL viEw deN shLD bE suggEsted t0 cuT dwN..lol..bUt mAnagE t0 caPturE bY vide0..h0wevEr..stIll feEl thAt cHriStmAs m0Re fUn..maYb g0t bUy thE spRay s0 meRRiEr..lol..0s0 weNt baCk quiTE laTe durIng cHriStmaS buT quiTe earLy duRing neW yR..lol..[shLdnt it bE oppOsitE..??]..weLL fEel chRistMAs merrIer c0Z stIll g0t thE on c0mIng neW yR..bUt neW yr c0untdwN ovEr den n0 morE..s0 prefEred chrIstmaS..??hA...anYwaY..herE's mE wiShinG evEryonE a haPPy neW yR.. = )
mIsSeS zaX evEry m0mEnt

((( reNfu w|fe??... )))
<Name : br|na
<Nick : YiNg q| r0xs
<Age : |s a geR sercEt s0 cAnt tell =p
<D.O.B : 15|09|??
<Sign : V|rg0
<Zodiac: maKe a guEss?
<Email : ask mE pErs0NaLLy wiLL bE m0Re sIncErE 0f u = )

*~ ~ a| w0 ha| sh| ta? ~
5566 but zax t0 bE pRefeRed
haNg oUt w|th maH g00d frEn
staY h0Me w|th paRents enJ0yIng tHe m0mEnt w|th eaCh otHer

*~ <~zUi |iNg w0 ta0 yaN ~
big bully small
people who nv get things right and start yelling at others (irrating)
like to bullshit and boast around all the time
in the wrOng but no apology

*~ *w|sh|ists* (maY theM c0mE trUe)
cHangE my drEss|ng stYlE
geTtIng pRettiEr? (impossibe ba)
t0 havE peoplE | likE alwaYs bY mAh siDe

*~ September 2005
October 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006
August 2006
September 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007