==<<RenfU, yinGqI roCks thE mY wOrld!==
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<((( dIary Inf0 )))

Friday, September 16, 2005

*::haPpIesT m0meNt..::*
hmM..maH birthDae juZ paSS a few mIns ag0..but reaLLi enjoY mySelf..initiallY i diN tiNk of mE s0 enJoy t0daE..c0z initiaLLy i waNted t0 buY E530C whIch i likE a l0t siNce i firSt saW it..is likE l0ve at firsT sight..but my paRents jUz duN waN buY l0..deN s0methiNg happen in beTwEen anD at laSt wE boughT the hp on fri whiCh was 9th sEp..iN faCt aLL waS staRted on weD..i meAn my happY m0mEnts..dEn stop oN mon and tue coz exAm..deN weD waS my finaLLy papEr..den nitE tiMe i onlIne tinkIng if by 12 which wiLL be 15 seP wiLL dere bE anyonE who wiLl reM my bdaE n0t..luCkily g0t ppl wiSh mE..i waS s0 deLighted..but fiRst waS stiLl my preCiouS daRling..he veRy g00D..nexT daE g0t exAm stiLL peI wo tiLL 1.30a.m deN slp..waKE up thE folloWing dAe daD waS at hM..hE purPosEly t00k leavE t0 peI wo thrU out..s0 toucHed..aS in laSt timE he seLd0m d0 suCh thinGs?ha..dEn mumMy 0s0 great..sHe nv takE leaVe but sHe leavE a *honG ba0* foR mE and den g0 woRk..afTer woRk stiLl g0 seaRch high anD loW f0r my caKe..greAt parEnts i g0t??ha..tat's y i l0ve theM s0 mucH..0s0 my freNs haS beEn continUing seNd mE greEtings..laStly waS my daRling..at firSt i waS *fuLly b00kEd* by my famIly but still i manAgE t0 finD some time f0r hiM..sorrY daR..i shLD have manAge my timE propErly..wiLL correCt my miStakE in fuTure..meEt hiM le jiu briNg hm hIS aiAi preSent..is s0methinG cuteZ..sEE le wiLL keeP laugH swtly de..tat'S aLL my happY momEnts..it maY bE notHiNg t0 otHers but c0Z i exPeriEnced it thE wholE thinG tat"s y i haVe s0 muCh feElings foR aLL thEsE..thaNks ppl..muaCkz..
mIsSeS zaX evEry m0mEnt

Thursday, September 15, 2005

*::t0daE maH birThdaE..15th sep::*
yipEE..t0dE Is maH birThdaE..last nite g0t trY t0 bl0g but dun0 y cant p0st..sia0 le tiS c0m..hmMM..weLl laSt nite g0t quitE a nuM 0f ppL wIshe mE l0..fEeL hapPi t00 = ) at leasT theY reM..?hahah..gueSs waD my daR wiSh?hE seNt mE 17th msG..c0Z i 17 tiS yr lo..nV tiNk of suCh idEa..?daRdaR ni ha0 xi xiN orHz..muaCkz..g0t my firSt preSent frM maH bia0 jiE..duN0 waD's that yEt.haveN opeN..weLL lucKily tiS yr dE birthDae iS afteR exAm..still reM O lvl thaT yr..my bdAe likE faLL on preLim or s0?jUz rem bits of it onli..ha..lastLy..let mE wiSh my seLf a happI biRthdaE..hopE i enJoy my daE.. = )
mIsSeS zaX evEry m0mEnt

((( reNfu w|fe??... )))
<Name : br|na
<Nick : YiNg q| r0xs
<Age : |s a geR sercEt s0 cAnt tell =p
<D.O.B : 15|09|??
<Sign : V|rg0
<Zodiac: maKe a guEss?
<Email : ask mE pErs0NaLLy wiLL bE m0Re sIncErE 0f u = )

*~ ~ a| w0 ha| sh| ta? ~
5566 but zax t0 bE pRefeRed
haNg oUt w|th maH g00d frEn
staY h0Me w|th paRents enJ0yIng tHe m0mEnt w|th eaCh otHer

*~ <~zUi |iNg w0 ta0 yaN ~
big bully small
people who nv get things right and start yelling at others (irrating)
like to bullshit and boast around all the time
in the wrOng but no apology

*~ *w|sh|ists* (maY theM c0mE trUe)
cHangE my drEss|ng stYlE
geTtIng pRettiEr? (impossibe ba)
t0 havE peoplE | likE alwaYs bY mAh siDe

*~ September 2005
October 2005
December 2005
January 2006
March 2006
August 2006
September 2006
December 2006
January 2007
March 2007
May 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007